Subject area B

Subject area B

Bann honeycomb: The brood honeycomb in which the queen is locked is known as the bann honeycomb. She spends nine days here. A spell honeycomb is an open brood honeycomb. Boundary combs are also used to control and decimate Varroa mites. They are also used to bind a new crush to a new dwelling.


Construction bee: A worker who is involved in honeycomb construction is referred to as a construction bee. In this phase of the worker’s life, the wax glands that provide the wax for the honeycombs are particularly active.


Belly collector: Certain types of bees specialize in individual plants. For example the scissor bee, which is counted among the belly collectors. Due to its small size, the scissor bee collects the pollen on its abdomen. The pollen sticks to special bristles.


Construction frame: (the) wooden frames without a middle wall are called construction frames. They are hung in the brood room when the bees are supposed to create drone honeycombs.


Infestation measurement: waste from natural mites


Begattung: ist die Befruchtung der Bienen Königin durch Drohnen.


Mating offshoots: are young bee colonies that are formed by the beekeeper. It is characterized by the fact that her queen is still unmated or that only one queen cell is present.


Legs: The honey bee has three pairs of legs. They are not only used for locomotion, but are also used to build honeycombs and collect pollen.


Mating point: Far away from another bee colony, but at least ten kilometers away from it, the beekeeper sets up a so-called mating point if he wants to raise a new pure queen. In this way, unmated queens are brought to pure mating in small mating boxes in high mountain areas or on islands. So that mating actually takes place by the selected drones, the mating station must be set up isolated.


Professional beekeeper: usually started out as a hobby beekeeper. A professional beekeeper becomes a beekeeper after a three-year apprenticeship specializing in beekeeping within the animal owners. Animal farmers may only be trained by recognized training companies.


Pollination: Bees are of great economic importance. They serve as pollinators for important crops. Because of their large number and division of labor, there is no more efficient pollination than that of bees. Some bees, such as the scissor bee, specialize in pollinating certain plants, in this case bluebells and buttercups.


Pollinating beekeeper: has the task of using the bees for controlled pollination. The advancing industrialization of agriculture means that the importance of the targeted pollination of crops is increasing.


Stud: If, after inspecting a cell, the queen is satisfied with it, she lays an egg. She donated them. The term pencil comes from the appearance of the eggs. They are elongated and look like a pencil.


Prey: denotes (the) habitation of bees such as the beehive or the apiary. So there is the straw hive, the beehive, or the log hive, a hollowed-out tree trunk. Both are artificial dwellings. Today, however, the magazine hive, a dwelling that is put together modularly from various individual frames with frames, is of greatest importance.


Bien: The bee colony is also known as bees. A bee includes workers and drones, the queen bee and the brood, but also the supplies and the honeycomb structure. Every bee, every bee colony, acts as a unit and is only able to survive in a community.


Bees: biologically belong to the hymenoptera. Their diet is purely vegetarian. The honey bee, a genus of bees, is native to Germany. It is in turn subdivided into different bee races, for example the dark European bee, the Carinthian bee and the Italian bee. The best-known breed, however, is the Buckfast bee, which was bred by a Benedictine monk in Buckfast Monastery in 1916.


BienenBox bietet ein komplettes Konzept für alle Neu- und Freizeitimkerinnen. Von der Box, über das Zubehör bist zur Ausbildung und Möglichkeiten dich aus zu tauschen und zu vernetzen erhältst du alles aus einer Hand.


Bienenflucht: Will der Imker den Honigraum leeren, so verhindert er für einen Zeitraum von etwa 24 Stunden, dass die Bienen vom Brut Raum in den Honigraum kommen. Dies geschieht über die Bienenflucht, eine Art Schleuse. In diesen Stunden können die Bienen dann nur noch vom Honigraum in den Brut Raum gelangen, aber nicht mehr zurück. Auf diese Weise kann der Imker in Ruhe den Honig entfernen.


Bienengift: In der Giftdrüse der Biene wird das Bienengift gebildet. Es besteht aus Peptiden, also kurzen Eiweißketten sowie aus Histamin und Enzymen. Ein einzelner Bienenstich ist für den Menschen ungefährlich. Allerdings können Folgen wie allergische Reaktionen oder Schocks dazu führen, dass der Bienenstich lebensbedrohlich wirken kann. Bienengift dient aber auch zur medizinischen Behandlung. So soll das Gift zum Beispiel gegen Rheuma helfen.


Apiary: Hives and / or beehives are placed in a hut / trailer for protection. These shelters are mostly open to the south. In addition to the loot room, there is also the work room. What many hobby beekeepers do not know: To build an apiary you usually need a building permit.


Hive beetles: Hive beetles were first identified in Florida in 1998 in connection with colony collapse. In the meantime it has advanced far into the northern states of the USA. The survivability of the small hive beetle is not limited to tropical and subtropical climates. Parcel bee transports to Europe are seen as a great danger for the European bee industry. An introduction from the USA is to be feared. The dark brown to black colored beetle is 5 to 7 mm long and lives in the beehive, where it lays its numerous eggs. The hatching larvae, which reach up to 11 mm in length shortly before pupation, grow back into adult beetles within four weeks. Pupation takes place outside the hive in the ground. Larvae and adult beetles feed on bee brood, honey and pollen stores, and infested colonies cause considerable damage. The honeycombs, interspersed with feeding tunnels, have a sour, fermented to putrid odor. If the infestation is severe, the bee colonies move out as emergency swarms. Since the beetle is also able to survive outside the bee colony (it prefers to live on rotten fruits here), it is particularly difficult to control it in the areas of distribution.


Bienenjahr: Das Bienenjahr ist eng mit den Jahreszeiten verknüpft. Von November bis Januar machen die Bienen Winterruhe. Sie reduzieren dabei ihre Aktivitäten auf ein Minimum. Februar bis April sind die Monate, in denen die neue Brut aufgebaut wird. Die Königin wird mit eiweißreicher und nährstoffreicher Nahrung gefüttert und legt immer mehr Eier ab. Mit der Brut wächst auch der Nahrungsbedarf des Bienenvolks. Von Mai bis Juli hat der Bien seine maximale Größe erreicht. Das Nahrungsangebot ist groß. Drohnen und Königinnen werden neu herangezogen. Es bilden sich neue Bienenschwärme. Die Völker teilen sich und vermehren sich. Ab August beginnen die Wintervorbereitungen. Vorräte werden angelegt. Es werden spezielle Arbeitsbienen für den Winter, die Winterbienen, herangezogen. 


Queen bee: or queen bee is the only female in the beehive that is sexually mature. The workers and also new queens form from their mated eggs. So that the ovaries of the adolescent workers do not develop in the first place, the queen secretes pheromones, the queen substance.


Bienenkiste: ist eine einfache, lange, flache Holzkiste. Sie hat an der Stirnseite einen Spalt als „Flugloch“ für die Bienen. Der Boden(!) und die Rückwand sind mit Spannverschlüssen befestigt und daher abnehmbar. Alle anderen Teile sind fest miteinander verbunden.


Beehive: Hives woven from rods or straw are called beehives or straw hives. The beehive can be recognized by its typical, bell-shaped shape. There are no frames here. The bees build the honeycombs free. For the beekeeper, this has the disadvantage that he cannot remove them individually.


Bee diseases: Acariosis, American foulbrood and nosematosis (spring disease) are the most common diseases that affect bees, along with varroosis. They all have one thing in common: they cannot be treated with medication. However, they can be easily recognized by closely observing the beehive. Extreme hygiene is the best way to avoid diseases caused by amoebas, parasites and bacteria or fungi (see also "Acariosis", "American foulbrood" and "Varroose").


Bee lice: Bee lice are specially adapted to their hosts (honey bees and other related hymenoptera). They live on them as "ectoparasites" (parasites living on the body surface). The body of the up to 2 mm long flies is flat, wings and holders are missing. The last phalanx is greatly widened and equipped with a comb to hold on to. The complex eyes are greatly reduced, ocelles are missing. The mouthparts are only suitable for ingesting food. Bee lice prefer to infect queen bees and eat here when they exchange food, but they also beg the workers. The females lay their eggs in the cells of the bees. Hatching larvae make burial tunnels in the cell lids, which run as fine white lines across the honeycomb, they tunnels into the cell lids and feed on pollen and honey. The bee louse can be combated by uncovering the (infected) honey cells (disturbance of larval development). The use of fumigants also leads to a rapid reduction in infestation. In the evening, after the bee flight, you put a white paper under the honeycomb and sprinkle it with a teaspoon of naphthalene. (Caution: agent is carcinogenic)


Bee races: they differ not only in their geographical distribution in different climatic zones. Since more and more artificial breeds, i.e. bee colonies bred by beekeepers, have been added, only a few bee breeds are exclusively native to their ancestral area. In Europe there are almost only honey bee breeds.


Swarm of bees: Honey bees multiply their states by dividing their colony. The bee colony has its largest population in early summer. The dwelling then quickly becomes too cramped. The result: nurse bees build new queen cells in which a new queen grows. Shortly before it hatches, usually in the morning on the ninth day, the old queen leaves the hive with a swarm of bees and founds a new colony.


Beehive (the) prey with beehive


Bee colony: (the) totality of the honeycombs with brood, honey and pollen as well as the adult bees - this consists of a queen who lays mated eggs and the worker bees, who are responsible for the care of the brood. Drones only live here in summer. The honeybee hive consists of states of 10,000 to 40,000 bees. Regardless of the outside temperature, the temperature in a bee is relatively constant between 30 and 35 degrees Celsius.


Honeycombs: Honeycombs represent the basis of life in a colony of bees. All processes in the colony take place on the honeycombs. The cells are used to store honey and bee pollen and to raise young brood. The building material, beeswax, is formed by young bees in special wax glands on the belly side.


Beeswax: Special wax glands on the bees' abdomen produce the beeswax for honeycomb construction. Beeswax is a highly complex mixture of different fatty acids, alcohols and fatty acid esters. A total of more than 300 different components have been found in beeswax, a synthetic imitation of beeswax is not possible due to this composition. This special feature makes real beeswax a valuable product from the bee colony. Beeswax is also in demand in industry; it is used to make cosmetic products, food and candles.


Bee pasture: Plants that provide nourishment for the bees through nectar, pollen and honeydew form what is known as the bee pasture.


Bees: one describes the three different types of bees: queen, worker and drone.


Blattschneiderbienen: 20 Arten - Körperlänge 7 – 17 mm, stark behaart, meist bräunlich, Sammelbürsten auf der Unterseite des Hinterleibs. Diese Wildbienen besuchen viele verschiedene Blütenpflanzen. Sie beißen kleine Stücke aus den Blättern von Laubbäumen und kleiden ihre Nester damit aus. Die Niströhren müssen einen Durchmesser von 6 bis 8 mm haben. Sie nutzen Bohrlöcher in Insektenhotels, aber auch Frassgänge von Käfern in morschem Holz.


Blossom honey: from the nectar of blossoms is called blossom honey. In contrast to this, forest honey consists primarily of honeydew.


Pollen: or pollen, is collected by bees as food. When collecting the pollen, the bees fly from flower to flower and at the same time take on the important task of pollination. Pollen is rich in protein and is therefore mainly used to raise larvae. Most bees collect the pollen in baskets on the hind legs, but some also in bristles on the abdomen.


Flower continuity: it is a sign that the honeybees are coordinating the collection. A bee that has found a good source of forage alerts other bees in flight. The bee passes on its discovery to the others by dancing on a honeycomb. The direction of the compass, distance, productivity and scent of the new source of folk costume are conveyed through vibration patterns and social feeding (trophallaxis). Usually it is track bees that open up new sources of forage. This is an economical solution because the individual bee does not have to spend time or energy searching. This also applies in detail: the foraging bees first have to learn where nectar and pollen can be found for each type of flower. Some types of flowers are quite complex. Collecting is much more effective if the same type of flower is always approached. For the plant this has the advantage that its pollen is guaranteed to be transported to a flower of its own species. Only pollen from the same plant species can fertilize a flower.


Bristles: The feelers of the individual bees are structured differently. Although all antennas consist of a shaft, a reversible link and up to 11 flagella links, the bristling of the antennae is very different. While the bristles of the female bees, which mostly have to find their way around the beehive in the dark, are very fine, they are almost completely absent on the drones.


Botulism: There are sometimes spores of bacteria in honey that could multiply in an infant's intestines. In the worst case, this can lead to botulism, food poisoning. Since honey is a natural product that is consumed untreated, children in the first year of life should not be given honey to be on the safe side. Your immune system is not yet sufficiently developed.


Brood: The eggs, larvae and pupae of a bee colony form their brood. It includes the totality of the offspring.


Brutableger: Get into the booty:

    two food or honeycombs, a pollen honeycomb, brood honeycombs (number = month 1), if necessary frames with central walls and a hatchable queen cell.

Es werden Brutwaben mit ansitzenden Bienen aus einem starken Wirtschaftsvolk, natürlich ohne Königin, entnommen. Bienen und Brutwaben können aus mehreren, nur gesunden Völkern, für den Brutableger entnommen werden. Wichtig ist eine frühzeitige Bildung und eine entsprechend intensive Betreuung dieser anfangs sehr kleinen Völkchen. Eine entsprechend kleine Behausung, z.B. ein Ablegerkasten reicht aus.


Dieser verbleibt nicht am ursprünglichen Standort, da sonst die Flugbienen aus dem Ableger zum Muttervolk zurück fliegen. Auch kann es zur Räuberei durch die Bienen des Muttervolkes kommen, verengen Sie auf jeden Fall das Flugloch um den Wächterbienen die Arbeit zu erleichtern. Die bessere Alternative ist es, den Ableger an einen (3-5km) entfernten Standort zu bringen. Haben sich die Bienen etabliert, so können sie zum ursprünglichen Standort zurück. Ein neues Volk hat sich etabliert, wenn die Königin Stifte setzt und der Ableger damit eigene Brut angelegt hat. In dem Zeitraum, wenn die verdeckelte Brut geschlüpft ist und noch keine neue Brut verdeckelt wurde, können Sie die Varroamilbe mit Milchsäure bekämpfen.


A queen cell that is ready to hatch can also be added to the offshoot, this queen is always accepted. An unmated young queen is usually not accepted. If possible, the bees create replenishment cells and raise their own queen. If you take the queen from the mother colony, then all bees can only come from this mother colony. The mother people raise a new queen from replenishment cells.


Brood nest: (that) is usually always close to the flight hole, the supplies are stored away from the flight hole either behind or above the brood nest, here are not only the eggs, larvae and pupae, but also the care bees and the queen. The brood nest varies in size depending on the time of year and the size of the bee colony.


Brood room: Assuming that a queen lays 2,000 eggs a day in the main season, around 3 dm² of honeycomb area is pinned on both sides every day. Taking into account that this area is available again after the bees hatch, around 63 dm² are required for breeding area, pollen and honey reserves. That is around 12 DNM (German NormalMass), 11 Zander or 8 Dadant combs on both sides, which are at least required for the breeding chamber. The honey should be entered above the brood chamber or in trough hives behind the brood chamber.

It follows from this that (depending on the location) an incubation room with 10 or 11 DNM combs is usually not enough. As compensation, the colony gets a second brood chamber, which has the disadvantage that honey is also stored there and mixing with brood makes the honey harvest difficult or even impossible. Or you can use the slightly higher honeycomb size DN one and a half and work with an adapted incubation chamber. Most DNM systems can be expanded and upgraded at any time. If you opt for an isosceles DNM system, you usually have a fold, but you are also very flexible with the bag system and can first try it out.


Brut Wabe: die Eier der Königin enthalten, werden als Brutwaben bezeichnet. Hier befinden sich Stifte, Maden und Puppen, aber auch Pollen und Honig. Die Brutwaben werden in der Regel im Kreis rund um die Brut herum gebaut. In einem Stock können sich gleichzeitig mehrere Brutwaben befinden. Sie zusammen bilden dann das Brut Nest.


Brood cell: Before the queen bee lays her egg, she carefully inspects the future brood cell for its suitability. Brood cells are hexagonal cells in which the brood is raised.


Humpback brood: If the larger drones are used in the small cells for worker bees, for example due to a lack of queens, the result is a humpback brood. These are the drone larvae or pupae that have to bend in order to fit into the actually too small honeycombs. The care bees then gradually raise the lid of the cell to make room for the brood. Hence the name humpback brood.


Buckfast: ist ein Zuchthybrid aus verschiedenen Rasse der Westlichen Honigbiene. Aus einer Ligustica Königin und eine Drohne der Dunklen Biene entstand dann die Buckfast. 

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