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Honeycomb: (the) flat structure, made of many cells; is usually erected in a frame given by the beekeeper so that he can move and control the honeycombs easily. Honeycombs form the skeleton of the bee nest. The regularly arranged hexagonal cells made of beeswax serve as brood cells. Some of them are also used as a store for food supplies. That's the honeycomb. The beekeeper takes them during the honey harvest.


Honeycomb spacing: (honeycomb alley) the distance between two honeycombs arranged next to one another. This is 35 mm from the center of the honeycomb to the center of the honeycomb. The free space between the honeycombs is called the honeycomb alley. This is so narrow or wide that the bees can walk over both combs without hindrance and, on the other hand, can still switch from one to the other - about the same as the distance between the bees. If the distance is greater, for example because the beekeeper moves two frames too far apart, the bees begin to build honeycombs, also known as wilderness, in this space. This also happens, for example, if the beekeeper does not specify a honeycomb structure in the form of frames, equipped with central walls (e.g. heather beekeeping with straw baskets) or if a colony of bees begins to build in the high subsoil of the magazine hive due to its population size. The honeycombs of a wild mine also have this natural center-to-center distance of 35 mm.


Sorting honeycombs: The removed honeycombs are sorted according to their condition and usability.


Melting honeycombs: Honeycombs that are no longer to be used are recommended to be melted down promptly after removal in order to prevent a pest problem.


Honeycomb storage: Usable honeycombs are stored under appropriate spatial conditions.


Honeycomb alley: (honeycomb spacing) The distance between the honeycombs is called the honeycomb alley. The distance from the center of the honeycomb to the center of the honeycomb is exactly 35 millimeters. It is so big that two bees can comfortably pass each other. If the distance is greater, the bees will also close it at the same time. Wild combs such as beehives also have this natural distance.


Honeycomb addition: To expand the space in the incubation system or as a replacement for removed individual honeycombs (bad honeycombs, remaining forage honeycombs or brood honeycombs when forming cuttings), individual honeycombs are added.


Wabenentnahme: Im Zuge der Reduzierung des Raumangebotes oder zur gezielten Entnahme von schlechtem Wabenwerk können einzelne Waben aus dem Volk entnommen werden.


Correction of the honeycomb seat: If there are severe cold spells after the start of breeding in the spring, the bees often try to save their brood and thereby lose access to the food supplies. By moving the food supplies closer to the beehive, a loss can be prevented.


Wachsdrüse: Arbeiterinnen haben acht Wachsdrüsen an ihrem Hinterleib. Diese sind aktiv, wenn die Arbeitsbienen als Baubienen eingesetzt werden. Dann produzieren sie kleine Wachsplättchen, mit denen die Biene Waben baut, kittet und repariert.


Wachsmotten: Die große Wachsmotte (Galleria mellionella) der weltweit verbreiteten Art erreichen eine Flügelspannweite von 20-38 mm. Sie legen ihre Eier häufchenweise, in Bienenstöcken ab. Die schlüpfenden Raupen ernähren sich zunächst vom Bodenmull. Später fressen sie aus dem Gespinst heraus an den Waben. Sie ernähren sich hauptsächlich von Pollenresten, fressen aber auch das Wachs. Ein Schaden ergibt sich nicht nur aus dem Fressen des Wachses, sondern auch durch das Verspinnen von Bienenpuppen. Die Falter fliegen von Mai bis Oktober, es werden 2 bis mehrere Generationen im Jahr durchlaufen.


The small wax moth (Achroia grisella) only has a wingspan of about 20 mm (females up to 25 mm); the forewings are silver to brown-gray and monochrome, shiny, greasy. The little wax moth creates web tunnels on the honeycomb edge in the bee colonies, whereby the bee larvae are lifted up. These cell lids are removed by the bees; the heads of the bee larvae can then be seen in whole rows, which are later removed by the bees.


Wax moth control: in the beehives. Only tolerate strong bee colonies. Renew honeycombs regularly. Do not leave honeycombs in unoccupied beehives. The wax moth stops developing at temperatures below 10 ° C.


Wax platelets: The beeswax, the wax platelets, is produced in the workers' wax glands. It is a mixture of alcohol compounds and acids. It is excreted in the form of small platelets that are made supple by adding protein from the saliva. Each individual wax plate weighs around 0.0008 grams, and 150,000 bees are required to produce one kilogram of beeswax.


Wächterbiene: Zwischen dem 18. und dem 21. Tag ihres Lebens übernimmt die Arbeits-biene die Auf-gabe als Wächterbiene. Nun ist der richtige Zeitpunkt gekommen und ihre Giftblase ist prall gefüllt. Die Wächterin hält sich unmittelbar in der Nähe des Flugloches auf und kontrolliert jeden, der in den Stock will. Nähert sich ein fremdes Insekt oder ein Eindringling, richtet sich die Wächterbiene auf und bedroht ihn mit ihrem Stachel. Im Notfall ruft sie auch andere Bienen zu Hilfe. Dazu sondert sie Alarmpheromone ab.


Waldhonig: stammt nicht von Blütenpflanzen, sondern von dem Honigtau der Nadel-bäume, also von tierischen Ausscheidungen. Er enthält weniger Traubenzucker und ist daher zumeist von flüssiger Konsistenz. Er ist auch dunkler gefärbt und kräftiger im Geschmack.


Libra people: One people per stand is placed on a scale. Weighing can be done manually or fully automatically. Well-engineered systems even enable data control over the Internet. Corresponding wireless scales, however, represent a not inconsiderable investment.


Migratory beekeeping: gains new importance with the beekeeper's function as pollination beekeeper. Industrialized agriculture with its large areas of monoculture is now dependent on beekeepers as pollinators. In some countries there is already a special training as pollination beekeeper. Unfortunately, far too few farmers use this opportunity to significantly increase their yield.


Migration: To improve colony development and to increase honey yields, the location of the colonies can be changed several times in the course of a year.


Waiting time: For the treatment of diseases and against the varroa mite, substances that can contaminate the food honey are used. A requirement for these substances is therefore that they are broken down. The substances either break down due to their chemical properties or they are biodegraded in the colony.

The necessary waiting time after a treatment and before honey can be harvested is always so long that no traces of the substance can be detected. The package insert provides information about the type of application and the waiting time to be observed. A waiting period of at least 42 days is specified for the Perizin® agent.

As a general rule, preventive Varroa treatment should be carried out in late summer and autumn. Honey is only removed from the treated colonies when the early season is harvested. The means for combating Varroa will be reduced by then and it is ensured that the harvested honey has only been entered after the treatment and the waiting time has expired.

It is important to understand what the term "half-life" means in this context. The half-life is often stated in connection with the breakdown of a substance on an instruction leaflet. The half-life indicates how much time must pass before a substance is half degraded. You have to realize that after twice the half-life has passed, the substance is not completely broken down. Instead, after twice the time, a quarter of the initial amount is still available.


Wasserholerin: (die) Das Wasser holen ist eine der gefährlichsten Aufgaben einer Sammlerin. Schon im zeitigen Frühjahr muss wegen dem stark ansteigenden Bedarf an Futter für die wieder einsetzende Brut-Aufzucht zusätzlich Wasser geholt werden, da das Honig-ähnliche Futter viel zu "dickflüssig" oder ggf. sogar kandiert ist. So muss bei Wind und Wetter ausgeflogen werden und oftmals kommen nur wenige Wasserholerinnen wieder heim.

Auf der anderen Seite hat es die Natur so eingerichtet, dass das Wasserholen die Alters-Tätigkeit bei den Bienen ist und damit nur wenige Bienen im Stock sterben


Water content: a honey is considered a quality feature. If the honey contains too much water, it has most likely been harvested too early. The Honey Ordinance therefore stipulates that the water content of honey must not exceed a maximum of 18 percent or 20 percent. The exception is heather honey.


Defense sting: The bee's sting is also known as the defense sting. Its main job is to paralyze the prey. The defense spike is only used for defense in an emergency.


Weisel: (the) Weisel is the queen bee of the people. She is the only one of the bees that is sexually mature. The new workers and queens of the bee emerge from their eggs. So that the queen does not have to compete with other bees in the transmission of her genetic make-up, she secretes the queen substance. This is a pheromone that prevents the other bees from developing their sexual organs. At the same time it is the distinguishing mark of the bee colony.


Weiselfuttersaft:  oder Gelée royale gilt als wertvollste Nahrungsquelle der Bienen. Die jungen Arbeiterinnen bereiten den Saft aus ihrem Kopfspeicheldrüsensekret zu. Dieses wird mit der Flüssigkeit aus den Mandibeldrüsen versetzt und dann an die Königinnenlarven verfüttert. Sie werden ausschließlich zeit ihres Lebens mit dem Weiselfuttersaft ernährt. Die anderen Larven erhalten die hochwertige Nahrung nur für wenige Tage.


Queen test: If, due to the lack of open brood, it is unclear whether there is still a queen in the colony, the behavior of the bees can be tested with a so-called queen test. Peoples without a queen will try to bring a young queen. If the beekeeper is not sure whether the bee colony has a queen, he can do the queen test. To do this, he places a honeycomb from another colony in the colony of bees. After a week, he then checks whether these larvae are developing normally or whether the bees have created replenishment cells on the honeycomb. If this is the case, the colony lacks the queen.


Weisel correctness: A colony of bees with a queen is calm and harmonious. It goes about its tasks conscientiously. The beekeeper speaks of a queen as a real people. If the queen is absent, the people are mostly restless. The beekeeper must then ensure that it has a new queen as soon as possible.


Queen cell: The cell in which a queen bee is bred is called a queen cell. The cell is larger than the others and is therefore often placed on the edge of a honeycomb. Typically, unlike the other cells, the queen cell has a downward opening. The queen cell is also called a swarm cell because it attracts a young queen who will displace the old one. When the young queen bee is ready to hatch, the old queen leaves the beehive with part of the bee colony, the swarm. The swarm then founds a new bee elsewhere.


Common wasp (Vespula vulgaris): Size: approx. 11-20 mm, queens up to 20 mm - The common wasp is found in Central Europe. A distinguishing feature from other wasps is the drawing on the faceplate. As with other wasp species, the rear body has warning yellow and black stripes. The wasp queen flies from April and builds her nest out of chewed wood fibers in a sheltered place. The first nest consists of seven brood combs, in each of which the queen lays an egg. The larvae hatch from this and pupate and become workers. A wasp colony of the common wasp consists of 3,000 to 4,000 wasps, but can grow to 10,000 animals. The wasp state is annual, the colony dies in autumn except for the fertilized young queens. Wasps can sting. They can be very aggressive and persistent when they feel threatened.


Wasp bees: approx. 87 species 3 - 14 mm, typical wasp waist and black-yellow, black-red or yellow-black-red stripe pattern. Parasitic cuckoo bees that lay their eggs in the nests of sand bees, furrow bees, longhorn bees, sawhorn bees and shaggy bees.


Weighing: Weigh the prey at the beginning of August: total weight - empty weight = bees, combs and honey - if less than 15kg, re-feed.


Wild bees: The term wild bee is used very differently. As a rule, it is used to describe a solitary bee. Size: 1.3 mm to 30 mm - Occurrence: There are hundreds of wild bee species in Germany that differ only minimally from the outside. Reproduction: Wild bees are almost all solitary animals and only have a short lifespan. The females start building nests after mating. You put a supply of food in a brood cell and an egg on top of it. Then the clutch is closed and the process is repeated. The larva feeds on the store and grows into a bee. Damage: There is no danger from the "hermit bees", which only sting if you accidentally step on them.


Wild flower honey: If the bee collects nectar and pollen not from cultivated plants but from wild flowers, the honey from it can be called wild flower honey. Wild blossom honey is very different in color, taste and consistency depending on the composition of the costume. Today wild honey from the mountains or the low mountain ranges is already traded as a rarity.


Winter bee: Workers born in August or September are called winter bees. They live until March or April of the following year, so they are significantly older than the summer bees. The task of winter bees is in particular to care for the first brood after winter.


Winter feeding: So that the bees get through the winter well, the beekeeper provides sugar water or a sugar-containing dough in addition to their own food supplies. This feed also serves as a substitute after the honey harvest. This solution is processed by the bees like honeydew or nectar and used for feeding.


Winter feeding: Beehives are artificially supplied with larger amounts of feed as a substitute for the honey that has been removed, but also as a replacement for honeys that are unsuitable for winter storage.


Winterbehandlung: Die Winterbehandlung verbessert die Startsituation im folgenden Frühling, da Milben in der brutfreien Zeit und nach Ende von Austauschprozessen besonders effektiv bekämpft werden können.


Hibernation: In winter there are no broods in the beehive. If the temperatures drop below a certain level, the bees withdraw completely into their hive. So that the temperature inside does not drop below 20 ° C, they move close together and warm the queen. The workers rotate constantly so that they do not get too cold. So bees do not hibernate.


Winter cluster: In winter and in cold temperatures, the bees retreat to their hive. In order to keep the temperature in the beehive constant, they form a cluster, the winter cluster. In the center of the grape is the queen. All other bees are constantly moving and rotating so that the bees sitting outside do not cool down too much.


Wirtschaftsvolk: Im ersten Jahr seines Bestehens wird das Bienenvolk als Jungvolk bezeichnet. Ab dem darauffolgenden Jahr ist es ein Wirtschafts-volk, das durch die Produktion von Honig wirtschaftlich arbeitet.


Woolly bee: The woolly bee is a special type of bee. It got its name because it bites the hair off the leaves and stems of the plants and uses them to line their nest. The woolly bee is one of the solitary bees, there are around 30 species - hairy, with a pollen brush on the underside of the abdomen, drawn in bright black and yellow. Visit butterflies, mint and throat blooms (Wollziest and Hyssop). They build nesting passages with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm.


Wound treatment: Honey is used for wound treatment not only in homeopathy, but also in classical medicine. Its antibacterial properties, which inhibit the growth of germs and bacteria, are what make it so popular as a remedy. The honey from the Manuka bushes in New Zealand is particularly effective. It is processed into wound gel by the pharmaceutical companies.


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